
Version : 4.5.0
Votes: 28


Kirby is a file-based CMS with a beautiful web interface and thousands of customers world-wide. Its flexible data structure and powerful template engine makes it easy to develop fast and high-standard websites in no time. From portfolios, to blogs, to full-blown company sites, Kirby has all you need. Being file-based comes with extra perks, such as version controllable content, super-easy deployments and blazing-fast performance.

  Space Required : 17.06 MB

  Get Support : Visit Support Site

  Reviews : 0

  Release Date : 28-11-2024


Any Content You Like

  • Blog articles, galleries, simple pages or complex product sheets – with Kirby you are not limited to a fixed data structure.

The Kirby Panel

  • Install the fast and powerful Kirby web interface to administrate your website right in your browser.

Kirby Prefers NoDB!

  • Kirby is file-based – No database involved. This means first class performance, version controllable content, simple backups and many other awesome sideeffects.

jQuery-Inspired API

  • Kirby's highly flexible API is very easy to learn and will boost your productivity while you can focus on building high-quality websites for your clients.

Markdown Syntax

  • Use your favorite editor to write your content with plain Markdown or use Kirbytext, a powerful, extended version of the popular Markdown syntax.
  © 2024 Softaculous Ltd.    All trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners!